December healthy points challenge
Achieve as many points as we can each day during the month of December. There are a total of 6 points possible each day to be gained. The points system covers both nutritional and physical fitness habits that aid in optimal overall health and well-being.
The Healthy Points system
1 point - achieve 10,000 steps or more in a day
1 point - no alcoholic beverages
1 point - no refined sugar (ex: dessert or processed foods)
1 point - eat 5+ fruits and vegetables servings throughout the day
1 point - complete 30-60 mins of strength training or equivalent mode of exercise (ex: yoga class, pilates class, spinning class, hiking)
1 point - run 2+ miles (12 min/mile pace or faster)
The reward:
Besides feeling fit, strong, & healthy there will be prizes awarded to those clients that tally the most points through the month of December. 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place prizes will be given out early in January. So keep a daily log of your points & turn them in every week so we can add them to the leaderboard at the studio!